Monday, June 4, 2012

The Return of The Weasley Sweater

So.  I used to make these for my etsy store, and the demand was so entirely overwhelming that I had to stop offering them........

Until July, that is!!!!  That's right.  I'm bringing back the Weasley sweater.  I hand embroider them in the old style of Swiss darning/duplicate stitch.  I put any letter on any color sweater... They totally rule, and I love them!

Weasley Sweaters for the whole family!

The only problem I've run into, is that it looks like, due to demand--- I'll have to purchase the sweaters new.  I'll have to purchase a LOT of sweaters, to have multiple sizes and colors on hand.  I think I'll start with three or four colors in M-XL to start.  I plan on ordering some in July, if I can find a supplier that has a reasonable price.  But, with purchasing new, that means the sweater cost will go up, and thus the price.

Soooooooo... Would you like one?  I plan on listing these on etsy beginning mid-July at around $100 US each, depending on the cost of the sweaters.
If you would like to join the waiting list--- please send me a message on etsy at my shop--- , leave a comment here with your email address, or email me @  I'll add you to the list, and contact you for specific details when I get the sweaters in!  :)

The Classic- Ron's Burgundy/Gold Gryffindor Colors Sweater
I can't wait to start making these again!

And, if you just can't wait for your own piece of HP fun, I do have this sweater in the shop now---
Deathly Hallows Sweater Jacket in XS



  1. Neat sweaters. Wishing you success.

  2. Very cute!!
    Do you miss teaching or are you so happy to not be teaching?

    I don't think I am ever going to go back...but not sure what I will do when the kids are all out of the house!

  3. very nice Rose!
    wishing you the best

  4. I WANT ONE :D This is, of course, your favorite student Catherine Milewski. You can email me at

  5. Catherine!!!!! :) How's the graduated life????

    I'll shoot you an email!
